Two days ago someone who I knew for a mere 10 minutes asked what inspires me most and my answer was the 'openness of every day'. Not only did my own answer take me aback but it also jolted me all the way the f*ck out from where I've been which is deep inside of the weird two-week long gap that exists between March 31st and April 1st. At this startling moment, I was reminded of the magic that openness brings and now I find myself here, on this quiet Sunday morning, on an open road seven days into April thinking about openness, growth, and rebirth.
photo: loyal nana
In April, the earth's axis starts to tilt towards the sun. The days get longer and warmer. Quarter two of the year starts. Flowers are positioning themselves to bloom. Trees and leaves are going through their seasonal changes. Hibernating animals are starting to wake up. The season is pivoting from Winter to Spring. The day and night are nearly 12 hours apart and basically, April feels like a big refresh button and the perfect time to start shifting our perspectives and our thoughts right with it.
Amid my openness haste, I discovered too that openness works best in moderation because too much openness can leave you feeling like a hungry person at a restaurant with a 7-page long food menu on legal sized paper and tiny font. And too little of it can leave you feeling misunderstood by 90% of the population 90% of the time which = very lonely, which = denial of the likelihood that you might be the problem. So, if you will, please do keep that in mind as we make our way through open space this month because as it seems, the hardest April Fool’s joke to accept is that regardless of how urgent and important openness is in the lives and bodies we are living in, it is still not something we can hold, borrow, or buy.
To teach and explore this idea further, we are making April our month of OPENNESS with a focus on it's gratifying benefits to the self and to general communication in the long term. But because the more angles you look at a thing from, the more open you become, this month we will also be sharing restaurants in New York City that are *open* 24/7, a candid look into *open* relationships, and an introduction to the spiritual guru that first taught me about *openness*, Eckhart Tolle.